In all seriousness, he's incredible. He looks as though any moment he will take a slow, cautious step off his marble base, draw the sling from his shoulder, and trepidatiously but bravely stride forward to defeat his mighty foe. Michaelangelo didn't just create art, he discovered an essential element of humanity we never knew we had before, and preserved it for the milennia to gaze in awe. He reached into the depths of the stone and pulled forth the essence of mankind.
David feels alive. Your mind plays little tricks on you, for a moment you think his leg may have twitched. Did he raise an eyebrow? But he stands unmoving, immortal, in brilliant marble.
Bellissimo. I only went to Firenze this morning to see him. Luckily, it rained, and the line to get the ticket was only about 25 minutes when I arrived in the morning. After, reeling from beholding something so... there's no word for it, any way; I found a place for lunch, and had food that tasted like pure and brilliant art. Above, a selection of rustic Tuscan salumi and some Procuitto di Parma.

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